What Is the One Thing Most Companies Miss During Crises? And How IR Professionals Can Help

What Is the One Thing Most Companies Miss During Crises? And How IR Professionals Can Help

Opportunities. We don’t want to miss opportunities in life, much less in business. Sure! That’s what we all know during normal times. While crises are synonymous with negative and undesirable impacts, not many people know or even think opportunities may arise during crises.

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How Differently IR Pros in Public Companies and Non-Public Companies View Ethical Dilemmas

How Differently IR Pros in Public Companies and Non-Public Companies View Ethical Dilemmas

In my recent article on ethics, I raised a question, “How often do IR professionals find themselves in an ethical dilemma?” A few Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) Fellows shed light on how investor relations (IR) professionals in public companies view ethical issues.

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Why Learning to Become a Good Bearer of Bad News Can Help Investor Relations Professionals?

Why Learning to Become a Good Bearer of Bad News Can Help Investor Relations Professionals?

Everyone loves good news. No one expects bad news, and much less giving negative news. Psychological studies point out that it’s even more difficult and uncomfortable for news-givers to deliver bad news. Nonetheless, investor relations (IR) professionals sometimes have no choice but become the bearer of bad news.

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Code of Ethics: How Do Investor Relations Professionals “Walk the Talk”?

Code of Ethics: How Do Investor Relations Professionals “Walk the Talk”?

Investor relations (IR) is rife with potential ethical issues. But how often do IR professionals find themselves in an ethical dilemma? On the surface, the answer may be dependent on the industry and the business, whether it’s a public or a private firm, and the size of the company, to name a few.

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Woodbridge Bankruptcy: “Plan to Fail or Fail to Plan”

Woodbridge Bankruptcy: “Plan to Fail or Fail to Plan”

The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing of the Woodbridge Group of Companies and dozens of its subsidiaries astounded its investors and the real estate investment community. When the truth emerged, thousands of investors, primarily senior citizens in California and Florida, turned out to be victims of Ponzi schemes.

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Townsend and Investors: Not Always A Bitter Pill to Swallow

Townsend and Investors: Not Always A Bitter Pill to Swallow

What Ropes & Gray law firm’s real estate funds partner Matt Posthuma labeled “a one-off for the industry” lawsuit that Dallas Police and Fire Pension System (DPFP) filed against its former real estate consultant the Townsend Group (Townsend) is worth our attention from an investor relations perspective.

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